How to Declare an Execution

Following up on the previous list I did on configuration formats which are used to execute code snippets, I will try to summarize here some of the behaviors which are being expressed in order to transparently modify the execution of something.

This time, I will divide into sections around how to express…

Execution Chains

The very basic functionality of task runners like make. In order for something to be executed, first it must meet its prerequisites.

The most basic example of this is make:

some_binary: other.txt
	touch some_binary

	touch other.txt

And a similar example in Ant. Here jar needs to be called once compile has succeeded in execution:

<target name="compile" description="compile the Java source code to class files">
    <mkdir dir="classes"/>
    <javac srcdir="." destdir="classes"/>
<target name="jar" depends="compile" description="create a Jar file for the application">
    <jar destfile="hello.jar">
        <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/*.class"/>
            <attribute name="Main-Class" value="HelloProgram"/>

IO Redirection

Sometimes it is needed to capture the output from a workload to something with it. It could be only for inspection purposes (the logging problem), or to trigger the execution of something else in case it matches some condition (e.g. determining its liveness).

An example of this usage would be Gradle, which captures the output from the command to trigger other actions (link)

// Link to SO question where this example belongs:
task setWhoamiProperty << {
    new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { os ->
        def result = exec {
            executable = 'whoami'
        ext.whoami = os.toString()

task setHostnameProperty << {
    new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { os ->
        def result = exec {
            executable = 'hostname'
        ext.hostname = os.toString()

task printBuildInfo(dependsOn: [setWhoamiProperty, setHostnameProperty]) {
    println whoami
    println hostname

A much more interesting example are the Continuum Semantic Pipelines, which can create hooks in the connection so they can be actioned upon by an event handler:

// Example from the Continuum docs here:
  if (req.body.Command.match(/DROP/i) || req.body.Command.match(/DELETE/i)) {
    // reject all drop and delete commands
    res.json({ Permitted: false, Reason: "No!" });
  } else {
    // permit anything else
    res.json({ Permitted: true, Reason: "Move along" });

Requirements & Dependencies

These are conditions which must be met in order for the execution to succeed. For example, we would like to express that a package should exists, or that it should use a certain container image.

An example of how Aurora specifies that something should be run using the python:2.7 docker container is below:

hello_world_proc = Process(
while true; do
    echo -n "Hello world! The time is now: " && date
    sleep 10

hello_world_docker = Task(
  name = 'hello docker',
  processes = [hello_world_proc],
  resources = Resources(cpu = 1, ram = 1*MB, disk=8*MB))

jobs = [
  Service(cluster = 'devcluster',
          environment = 'devel',
          role = 'docker-test',
          name = 'hello_docker',
          task = hello_world_docker,
          container = Container(docker = Docker(image = 'python:2.7')))]

Another example of this could be Puppet’s usage of require, before and ensures (link), which reminds me a bit on the Hoare-style program verification (link).

file {'/tmp/test1':
  ensure  => present,
  content => "Hi.",

notify {'/tmp/test1 has already been synced.':
  require => File['/tmp/test1'],

Continuum also has its own package resolution functionality, meaning that when creating a new package: (link)

depends  [ { os: "ubuntu" },
           { package: "build-essential" },
           { package: "git" },
           { package: "bzr" },
           { package: "mercurial" } ]

provides [ { runtime: "go" },
           { runtime: "go-1.3" } ]


These are checks which happen to an execution which is ready and determine the context on which the execution would be valid.

An example of this are the Marathon constraints. By using UNIQUE for example, a command would be executed only once per hostname.

    "id": "sleep-unique",
    "cmd": "sleep 60",
    "instances": 3,
    "constraints": [["hostname", "UNIQUE"]]

This functionality is similar to Conflicts in CoreOS Fleet. In Fleet, it is also possible to set Global, which in Marathon translates to rack_id:GROUP_BY.


Besides having a proper environment to run, it will also need some resources in the infrastructure like cpu, memory or disk required.

An extensive specfication of the resources that a workload may needs can be found in the Kubernetes Resource Model

resources: [
  request:   [ cpu: 2.5, memory: "40Mi" ],
  limit:     [ cpu: 4.0, memory: "99Mi" ],
  capacity:  [ cpu: 12,  memory: "128Gi" ],
  maxusage:  [ cpu: 3.8, memory: "80Mi" ],

Some of the resources could be cpus, memory, storage and network related.

Liveness and Desired State

Once something is executed, we may want to define the health of a workload to be able to either restart it or forcibly terminate it.

Kubernetes has the concept of probes to check whether something is ok or not.

      - "cat"
      - "/tmp/health"
  initialDelaySeconds: 15

In the case of Marathon:

  "protocol": "COMMAND",
  "command": { "value": "curl -f -X GET http://$HOST:$PORT0/health" },
  "gracePeriodSeconds": 300,
  "intervalSeconds": 60,
  "timeoutSeconds": 20,
  "maxConsecutiveFailures": 3

Consul has its version of checks as well (link):

  "check": {
    "id": "api",
    "name": "HTTP API on port 5000",
    "http": "http://localhost:5000/health",
    "interval": "10s",
    "timeout": "1s"

Continuum and Bazel both have timeout option meaning that if the execution takes longer than the timeout parameter, then it is stopped.

Bazel also provides flaky meaning that it will retry to execute 3 times before failing.

Calls & Rules

Many times the same resulting command will change depending on the environment. In order to cope around this, it is taken advantage the fact that we are using a configuration format to have function like constructs which we can call.

For example, Ant defines the delete method to remote a file:

<delete file="hello.jar"/>

To put it in other words, it is calling a function named delete which takes a $file as parameter, and then wrapping the portability logic inside there.

In Bazel, we can see a similar concept in its rules. In the example below, we pass 3 parameters when calling sh_binary:

    name = "foo",
    srcs = [""],
    deps = ...,
    data = glob(["datafiles/*.txt"]),


The coverage of this writing is not very extensive but hopefully it serves to clarify a bit what are some of the common ways or patterns to modify the execution of something. The list could go on and on, though next time I see some new build or automation tool, I’ll make sure to check what it is doing around the items that I described above.