Gradually adopting Org mode, part 1

Like most Org mode users, I started using Org mode as a TODO list. Though for a while now, the Org Babel mode has become an intrinsic part of my flow as well, to the point that outside doing code reading of other projects, I rarely visit files anymore and spend most of my time within Org mode buffers.

In this post I will attempt to document such progression to this style of using Org mode, and should also serve as a kind of tutorial for those without familiarity to Org mode.

Basic elements of Org mode

Org mode has a ton of features, so rather than explaining each one of the features of Org mode, I will describe what are the building blocks that we can choose from when authoring an Org mode document.

Some of the most basic elements of an Org mode document are:

Org mode markup paragraphs
Similar to other markup languages, we can write text in /italics/, *bold*, 
_underline_, =code= or ~verbatim~, and even super and subscript: n_1, n^2
headlines and sections

A section in Org mode is started by a headline. Headlines start with one or more asterisks.

* A headline

Paragraph within a /headline/ 

We can set a TODO state to a headline to define whether something is done or not:

* TODO Need to do this!
* DONE Needed to do this!

A block is how we group together a bunch of lines that are not meant to be only paragraphs. Some of the builtin blocks that we can have in Org mode are: src, example, verse, quote and html.

A block will start #+begin_... and end with #+end_....

One of the coolest features of the Org mode code blocks is that we can add metadata to them, such as which kind of language is being used inside of it (in case of src an example code blocks).

#+begin_src ruby
"Hello world"

In order for syntax highlighting to work, it is needed to include the following in the Emacs configuration file (or just eval it during boot):

(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)

It is also required that the Emacs install has the special mode for it.


A list can be an unordered, ordered or definition list:

   - first level

     Org mode /markup/

     + second level
       1) third level
          1. fourth level
   - back to first level
     + a definition list :: 
	   some definition

By putting empty brackets [ ], [/], or [%] at the beginning of a list, it can become a task list. Pressing C-c C-C on an item would update its value:


- [0/1] one
  + [ ] two 
- [0%] three
  * [ ] four


- [1/1] one
  + [X] two 
- [100%] three
  * [X] four
An Org mode table:
| apples  | 10 |
     | oranges | 20 |

Tables in Org mode are very powerful. They are not meant to be only for authoring tables, but they have spreadsheet functionality as well. The following table would have its formulas evaluated after pressing TAB on it:


  | fruit   |      quantity | price per fruit | COST          |
     | apples  |            10 |               5 | =$2 * $3      |
     | oranges |            20 |               7 | =$2 * $3      |
     | TOTAL   | =vsum(@2..@3) |                 |               |


  | fruit   |      quantity | price per fruit | COST     |
     | apples  |            10 |               5 | 50       |
     | oranges |            20 |               7 | 140      |
     | TOTAL   |            30 |                 |          |
       #+TBLFM: $2=vsum(@2..@3)::$4=$2 * $3
Basic usage of Org mode for TODO lists

At the beginning of my Org mode usage, my documents used to look like this I think:

* TODO Reply email from Alice

** TODO Reply

Dear Alice...

* TODO Capacity planning

One of the features I first adopted is the use of CLOCKS. You can start a clock by pressing: C-c C-x TAB, then we you are done you clock out with C-c C-x C-o. Then you can use C-c C-x C-d to check the total time spent.

  * DONE Reply email from Alice
    CLOCK: [2014-12-04 Thu 15:45]--[2014-12-04 Thu 15:50] =>  0:05

  ,** DONE Reply
     CLOCK: [2014-12-04 Thu 16:00]--[2014-12-04 Thu 17:00] =>  1:00

  Dear Alice...

  ,* TODO Capacity planning

Another helpful feature is narrowing down to a headline so that other headlines are not shown. This can be done by pressing C-x n s.

Having covered these basic I’ll go on to talk about Org Babel.

Start using Org mode for reproducible documents

The key thing about when using Org mode and for literate programming is when you care about making things reproducible.

Eric Schulte paper has more background on how the project started:

In order to use Org Babel we first need to enable it. This is how my .emacs looks for this:

(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
      '((emacs-lisp . t)
	(clojure . t)
        (R . t)
        (C . t)
        (sh . t)
        (ruby . t)
        (python . t)
        (js . t)
        (dot . t)
	(haskell . t)
	(scala . t)

Note that in order for the above to work, there have to be major modes in Emacs for those specific languages. Comment out or remove the language that is not on your setup.

Making the document active by giving things a name

To adopt Org mode literate programming mode, we need to start using #+name on top of some Org mode elements. By doing this, it is possible to reference later on to that part of the document.

For example we can have a code block and eval it with C-c C-c:

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby
  1 + 1

  : 2

But by giving it a name, we can reuse this code block:

  #+name: sum
  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :var arg1=1 :var arg2=2
  arg1 + arg2

  : 2

  #+call: sum(10, 100)

  : 110

Or chain it with a table:

  #+name: fruits
  | apples  | 10 |
  | oranges | 20 |

  #+name: show-fruits
  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :var fruitstable=fruits :results output code
  fruits = Hash[fruitstable]

  p fruits

  #+RESULTS: show-fruits
  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby
  {"apples"=>10, "oranges"=>20}

To be continued…