Quickly inspecting HTTP traffic with tcpdump

Just a quick post on one of my favorite features of tcpdump that I have found useful for doing quick investigations of the behavior of an app and you need a little bit more than what you get with the access logs.

Wireshark has this great site that given a HTTP request, will give you a filter that if paired with the -A (print packet in ASCII) option from tcpdump will match all related HTTP traffic that is going on in a node.

A couple of basic examples:

  • Show all GET requests
tcpdump -A 'tcp[((tcp[12:1] & 0xf0) >> 2):2] = 0x4745 && tcp[((tcp[12:1] & 0xf0) >> 2) + 2:1] = 0x54'

tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on wlan0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
16:31:54.870479 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1988783165:1988783563, ack 2609786817, win 65535, options [nop,nop,TS val 703013338 ecr 40647638], length 398
).!..l;.GET /v2/apps HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
  • Show all POST requests
tcpdump -A 'tcp[((tcp[12:1] & 0xf0) >> 2):4] = 0x504f5354'

tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on wlan0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
16:41:59.925399 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1595944397:1595945056, ack 1073928153, win 65535, options [nop,nop,TS val 703610055 ecr 40792556], length 659
..@...._ -.@..............
).<..nq.POST /v2/apps HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 182
Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8

You can add more info to the path (e.g. GET /v2/) to narrow down the actions that are being investigated.

Org Babelで文芸的プログラミング

(This is a post for the Emacs Advent Calendar 2014 from Japan, a similar English version can be found here)

Org modeの話を聞いたことがある方は、Org modeは「TODOリスト管理ツールの 一つだ」と思われる方が多いかもしれません。それはその通りですが、 Org Babelというモードで、「文芸的プログラミング(Literate Programming)」を実現することができます。

Org Babelの使い方を示すために、あるホストのモニタリング情報を表示する、 単純なSinatraアプリケーションを例えにします。

例: ホストのモニタリング情報を表示するSinatra app

表示したい項目をシステムの uptime と ESTABLISHEDコネクションの数に絞り込みます。


20:37  up 4 days,  9:48, 5 users, load averages: 0.67 0.86 1.11


netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l


この二つのコマンドの結果を集めて、 HTTPクライアントを使えば GET /vars で取れるようになります:




mkdir -p org
mkdir -p src
touch readme.org
  • org/ ディレクトリの下に置くファイルはOrg mode で書きます
  • src/ ディレクトリの下に置くファイルはSinatraアプリケーションのソースコード

(readme.org の作成は必要ではないですが、best practiceとしておすすめします…)


├── org
│   ├── app.org
│   └── run.org
├── readme.org
├── src
│   ├── Gemfile
│   ├── app.rb
│   └── config.ru


アプリケーションの実装自体は org/app.org に書きます。

touch org/app.org


SinatraのWebアプリケーションを実装前に、Org Babel を使ってプロトタイプを作りましょう。 Rubyのcode blockを書いたら、 C-c C-c で実行することができます。

*** Notes on how to get the results

We could use something simple like:

#+begin_src ruby :results output code
s = <<VARS

ESTABLISHED connections:
#{`netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l`}


puts s

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
22:23  up 4 days, 11:34, 5 users, load averages: 0.58 0.46 0.30

ESTABLISHED connections:


:tangle の使い方

:tangle はOrg modeのcode block switch argumentsの一つです。 これを使えば、Org modeのcode blockは実装しているファイルを設定できます。

例えば、 :tangle を使って Gemfileconfig.ru の内容を書きましょう。

Dependencies from the app, just sinatra and webrick for the server is ok for now.

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/Gemfile
gem 'sinatra'

Needed to start the Sinatra application:

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/config.ru
require './app.rb'
run Sinatra::Application


EmacsのOrg modeバッファーで, C-c C-v tC-c C-v C-t を叩けば、 Org modeの org-babel-tangle の機能を呼び出します。 これで、動かせるプログラムは src/ ディレクトリの下に現れます。

#+TITLE: Monitoring HTTP endpoint

  This is a simple Sinatra application that provides
  the following endpoints:

  ‐ =/=        :: which responds =OK= in case all is good with the server.
  ‐ =/vars=    :: to get info about the system

  ** Bootstrapping the app

  *** Gemfile

  Dependencies from the app, just sinatra and webrick for now is ok.

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/Gemfile
  gem 'sinatra'

  *** Config.ru

  Needed to start the sinatra application

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/config.ru
  require './app.rb'
  run Sinatra::Application

  ** The App

  *** Import dependencies

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/app.rb

  require 'sinatra'


  *** =/= endpoint

  Just respond with =OK=.

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/app.rb
  get '/' do

  *** =/vars= endpoint

  Respond with info about the system:

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/app.rb
  get '/vars' do

  r = <<VARS

  ESTABLISHED connections:
  #{`netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l`}




次に、プログラムを動かす方法を org/run.org にまとめます。 プログラムを動かす前に、Sinatraのプログラムに修正があったかも知れないので、 #+include: org/app.org でこの依存関係を設定します。

#+TITLE:   Running the Application
#+include: "org/app.org"

** Run it

To run it, we will need to get the dependencies first,
and then start it with bundler:

#+name: server
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir src
bundle install
bundle exec rackup

Now let's send some requests to it:

#+name: curl
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :wait 1
while true; do 
  curl 2> /dev/null
  sleep 1

Emacsでlong running processesを実行できますが、そうするとEmacsがコードブロック の結果待ちをしてしまいます… それを避けるため、 コードブロックの上に、 #+name を設定すれば、私が作ったgemで叩くことができます:

gem install org-converge
org-run org/run.org


org-run org/run.org
Running code blocks now! (2 runnable blocks found in total)
server    -- started with pid 71840
curl      -- started with pid 71841
server    -- Using rack 1.5.2
server    -- Using rack-protection 1.5.3
server    -- Using tilt 1.4.1
server    -- Using sinatra 1.4.5
server    -- Using bundler 1.7.1
server    -- Your bundle is complete!
server    -- Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
server    -- [2014-12-11 22:56:42] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
server    -- [2014-12-11 22:56:42] INFO  ruby 2.1.2 (2014-05-08) [x86_64-darwin11.0]
server    -- [2014-12-11 22:56:42] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=71848 port=9292
server    -- - - [11/Dec/2014 22:56:42] "GET /vars HTTP/1.1" 200 110 0.0527
curl      -- Uptime:
curl      -- 22:56  up 4 days, 12:07, 5 users, load averages: 0.78 0.84 0.76
curl      -- 
curl      -- 
curl      -- ESTABLISHED connections:
curl      --       12
curl      -- 
curl      -- 
server    -- - - [11/Dec/2014 22:56:43] "GET /vars HTTP/1.1" 200 110 0.0210
curl      -- Uptime:
curl      -- 22:56  up 4 days, 12:07, 5 users, load averages: 0.78 0.84 0.76
curl      -- 
curl      -- 
curl      -- ESTABLISHED connections:
curl      --       12
curl      -- 
curl      -- 


Org modeはとても便利です!皆さんぜひお試しください。 しかも、Githubさんが org-rubyを使って .org ファイルをHTMLに変換してくれるのです。 Ruby の Org modeパーサはまだOrg mode のすべての機能に追いついていませんが、 私がある程度メンテナンスしています。もしOrg Rubyに何かの問題があれば、 こちらに issue を発行していただければと思います。 :)

(そして、日本語が間違っている場合、こちらに PR ください…)

Using Org Babel for Literate Programming

Most people that have heard about Org mode are aware that it is a tool meant for creating TODO lists, taking notes, and even doing documentation to some extent.

What is not immediately clear about Org mode is that it is a very powerful tool for doing literate programming and a comfortable environment for working with active documents.

Rather than explain the ideas one by one, I will give a more practical example of what it is possible to do with it.

Example: Creating a monitoring HTTP endpoint

Let’s create a simple HTTP endpoint with Sinatra which will respond with some information about the host where it is running, like its uptime and the number of established connections.


What we want is basically the output of the following commands:


…which will show something like this:

20:37  up 4 days,  9:48, 5 users, load averages: 0.67 0.86 1.11


netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l

which shows a number:


The result from both commands would be aggregated into the response sent by the the server when we request /vars:




20:37  up 4 days,  9:48, 5 users, load averages: 0.67 0.86 1.11

ESTABLISHED connections: 14


We will start by creating a couple of folders, one for the content we write in Org, and another one for the actual implementation.

mkdir -p org
mkdir -p src
touch readme.org

(The readme.org file is of course optional, but still a good practice to follow.)

In the end, our directory structure will look something like this:

├── org
│   ├── app.org
│   └── run.org
├── readme.org
├── src
│   ├── Gemfile
│   ├── app.rb
│   └── config.ru


Most of the contents of our application, we will develop within an org/app.org file.

touch org/app.org

Prototyping phase

Usually, while developing a program we go into a REPL to test out what would eventually make it into the program.

With Org Babel though, it is possible to call the code blocks within an Emacs buffer, so we can actually start prototyping using Org mode. Each time we press C-c C-c on top of the code block, the results would be refreshed:

*** Notes on how to get the results

We could use something simple like:

#+begin_src ruby :results output code
s = <<VARS

ESTABLISHED connections:
#{`netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l`}


puts s

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
22:23  up 4 days, 11:34, 5 users, load averages: 0.58 0.46 0.30

ESTABLISHED connections:


Using :tangle to create the files of the program

We can have a code block be tangled into a file by using the :tangle switch argument. For example, we can define the Gemfile and config.ru files within an Org mode buffer like this:

Dependencies from the app, just sinatra and webrick for the server is ok for now.

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/Gemfile
gem 'sinatra'

Needed to start the Sinatra application:

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/config.ru
require './app.rb'
run Sinatra::Application

Full example

The Sinatra application would then look something like this. From Emacs, we can either press C-c C-v t or C-c C-v C-t, (M-x org-babel-tangle also does it) to tangle the web of code blocks to their respective files.

#+TITLE: Monitoring HTTP endpoint

  This is a simple Sinatra application that provides
  the following endpoints:

  ‐ =/=        :: which responds =OK= in case all is good with the server.
  ‐ =/vars=    :: to get info about the system

  ** Bootstrapping the app

  *** Gemfile

  Dependencies from the app, just sinatra and webrick for now is ok.

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/Gemfile
  gem 'sinatra'

  *** Config.ru

  Needed to start the sinatra application

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/config.ru
  require './app.rb'
  run Sinatra::Application

  ** The App

  *** Import dependencies

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/app.rb

  require 'sinatra'


  *** =/= endpoint

  Just respond with =OK=.

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/app.rb
  get '/' do

  *** =/vars= endpoint

  Respond with info about the system:

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle src/app.rb
  get '/vars' do

  r = <<VARS

  ESTABLISHED connections:
  #{`netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l`}



Running it

Now that, we have defined the program, it would be also helpful to define how to actually run it. We will write this in a org/run.org file. Note how we are including the org/app.org application as a dependency so that in case of changes those code blocks become tangled as well.

#+TITLE:   Running the Application
#+include: "org/app.org"

** Run it

To run it, we will need to get the dependencies first,
and then start it with bundler:

#+name: server
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir src
bundle install
bundle exec rackup

Now let's send some requests to it:

#+name: curl
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :wait 1
while true; do 
  curl 2> /dev/null
  sleep 1

Here we are giving the code block a #+name:, doing this make it possible to reuse the code block later on. I made a small gem that makes it possible to run these kind of blocks when they have a name.

gem install org-converge
org-run org/run.org

The output would look like this:

org-run org/run.org
Running code blocks now! (2 runnable blocks found in total)
server    -- started with pid 71840
curl      -- started with pid 71841
server    -- Using rack 1.5.2
server    -- Using rack-protection 1.5.3
server    -- Using tilt 1.4.1
server    -- Using sinatra 1.4.5
server    -- Using bundler 1.7.1
server    -- Your bundle is complete!
server    -- Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
server    -- [2014-12-11 22:56:42] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
server    -- [2014-12-11 22:56:42] INFO  ruby 2.1.2 (2014-05-08) [x86_64-darwin11.0]
server    -- [2014-12-11 22:56:42] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=71848 port=9292
server    -- - - [11/Dec/2014 22:56:42] "GET /vars HTTP/1.1" 200 110 0.0527
curl      -- Uptime:
curl      -- 22:56  up 4 days, 12:07, 5 users, load averages: 0.78 0.84 0.76
curl      -- 
curl      -- 
curl      -- ESTABLISHED connections:
curl      --       12
curl      -- 
curl      -- 
server    -- - - [11/Dec/2014 22:56:43] "GET /vars HTTP/1.1" 200 110 0.0210
curl      -- Uptime:
curl      -- 22:56  up 4 days, 12:07, 5 users, load averages: 0.78 0.84 0.76
curl      -- 
curl      -- 
curl      -- ESTABLISHED connections:
curl      --       12
curl      -- 
curl      -- 

Final remarks

I think there is a lot of potential in the approach from Org mode for Literate Programming, so it is worth a try. Take a look at the concepts exposed by Knuth in his paper on the matter, and you will find out that the core ideas about LP have not shown its age.

These days, most of my development starts from an Org mode buffer and it just continues there. With Org mode, you can basically start with a Readme (c.f. Readme Driven Development), and then just contine doing the full implementation of your source there in the same place, along with your notes (but which are not exported).

At the same time, it makes up for very useful documentation for others to pick up a project later on. And also Org mode file rendering is supported by Github! In case of bugs, please send me a ticket here.

The Eternal Recurrence of PaaS

Distributed Systems are hard.

As a service grows popular, there inevitably comes the time that capability to scale is demanded from a system, and while doing so it is required that the system has uptime. As we go on tackling such issues, it results that we end up with a distributed system that becomes increasingly complex and its understanding requires an ongoing online computation of its state.

Under such a system, failures are a constant, and whether this failure ends up in tragedy or not, depends on how well the platform developer was prepared for such events.


Fig. 1. The CAT theorem (coined by Stan)

Then, what if while at handling this complexity, or a tragic event that ends up in firefighting, (in your loneliest loneliness as Nietzche puts it), a demon came up to you and reveal that it doesn’t get any better? That there is no way around it, and ”this life which you live must be lived by you once again and innumerable times more; and every pain and joy and thought and sigh must come again to you, all in the same sequence”.

Nietzche poses as the outcome of this thought experiment one out of two possible choices: the individual either accepts it and becomes stronger from the cognitive process triggered as a result of the tragedy (amor fati), or the individual succumbs to what he calls Ressentiment.

The platform developer, by attempting to build and operate a distributed system, will continuously be exposed to a set of challenges that will end up with having to face this test of character.

Such as in life (which is itself some sort of distributed system too), in a distributed system, tragedy is a constant. The CAP theorem & FPL result, are just a couple of examples which show the constant tragedy that comes along with operating distributed systems.

For the platform developer that does not succumb to ressentiment, what lies ahead is easy to predict: it will reflect on the tragedy and use the literature to improve the situation and in the end, succeed like others have before in taming a system with many moving parts without shying away from the difficult problems. Tackling and understanding the tradeoffs around fault tolerance, high availability, distributed agreement, etc… all lead to a living a good life for the platform developer.

But what about the platform developer that succumbs to ressentiment?

Like the quote from Tolstoy goes:

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

In my experience (and under my line of reasoning stated in the previous paragraphs), when such thing happens it could be possible to see some of the following behaviors below for example:

Cynism, Skepticism

We can avoid having to scale by keeping services small. Instead of having shared infrastructure we could make everyone in the company run a similar version of the same, then they have to take care of running it. There is no need to have a platform even if we have hundreds of nodes.

This platform developer has experienced the pains of having to operate a distributed system. Microservices are hard, and maybe unnecessary if complying to enough trade offs. It is ok to be uncompetitive in terms of platform related efforts and just keeping it simple.

The platform developer keeps the level of automation such that there is heavy partitioning and waste in the data center and tries to delegate difficult issues to avoid tragedies around operating a complex system.

The sysadmin as practitioner of a slave morality

A developer either aware or unaware of the challenges of having to run a distributed system may try to shield himself/herself of the issue.

As a result of the lack of empathy by the developer, a platform developer may develop ressentiment towards the opressors, that is the developers who lack empathy to the problem of tackling scalability issues.

“Hell is other developers”

Ressentiment is to those that do not understand the situation in the the data center, and to those heavy users who are causing the architecture continue to grow.

The problem is not the platform, but the architecture of the application. Had the application architechture been designed properly there wouldn’t be a need to have as many servers.

Or there could be ressentiment as well to those users who for analytics purposes capture everything and produce lots of data. In case it is for auditing purposes, ressentiment then is towards those who audit.

The platform developer becomes more used to externalize issues that could be fixed in the platform on the users rather than fixing them.


It is my believe then that, compared to other areas of software development, there is a Tragic Sense of Life which has to be acknowledged earlier on when faced with operating a distributed system running in production, that is if one is set to the task of doing it correctly.

It is also my believe that even after much tragedy, a platform developer with ressentiment still has chance to overcome it and attempt to tackle the core issues of building a distributed system. It takes start asking “Why?” and then proceed to start reading papers, looking for someone else that has posed the same question (many times these fundamental questions already have been answered decades ago…)


Some links that have helped me out learning about distributed systems:

Distributed Systems for fun and profit
I have found this book very useful to immerse in the basics of working with distributed systems. http://book.mixu.net/distsys/
Distributed Systems Archaeology talk by Michael Bernstein
Another great talk by a man with an obsession which I can’t recommend enough. http://michaelrbernste.in/2013/11/22/distributed-systems-archaeology.html
Papers we love
There are many great distributed systems related videos of the meetups available http://paperswelove.org/
A Brief Tour of FLP Impossibility
TL;DR; “it’s not possible to say whether a processor has crashed or is simply taking a long time to respond.” http://the-paper-trail.org/blog/a-brief-tour-of-flp-impossibility/
The CAP Theorem
Paper itself can be found at Papers we love repo. But the Distributed Systems for fun and profit book covers it in the chapter 2 as well.
Distributed systems theory for the distributed systems engineer
Great compilation of links http://the-paper-trail.org/blog/distributed-systems-theory-for-the-distributed-systems-engineer/

Gradually adopting Org mode, part 1

Like most Org mode users, I started using Org mode as a TODO list. Though for a while now, the Org Babel mode has become an intrinsic part of my flow as well, to the point that outside doing code reading of other projects, I rarely visit files anymore and spend most of my time within Org mode buffers.

In this post I will attempt to document such progression to this style of using Org mode, and should also serve as a kind of tutorial for those without familiarity to Org mode.

Basic elements of Org mode

Org mode has a ton of features, so rather than explaining each one of the features of Org mode, I will describe what are the building blocks that we can choose from when authoring an Org mode document.

Some of the most basic elements of an Org mode document are:

Org mode markup paragraphs
Similar to other markup languages, we can write text in /italics/, *bold*, 
_underline_, =code= or ~verbatim~, and even super and subscript: n_1, n^2
headlines and sections

A section in Org mode is started by a headline. Headlines start with one or more asterisks.

* A headline

Paragraph within a /headline/ 

We can set a TODO state to a headline to define whether something is done or not:

* TODO Need to do this!
* DONE Needed to do this!

A block is how we group together a bunch of lines that are not meant to be only paragraphs. Some of the builtin blocks that we can have in Org mode are: src, example, verse, quote and html.

A block will start #+begin_... and end with #+end_....

One of the coolest features of the Org mode code blocks is that we can add metadata to them, such as which kind of language is being used inside of it (in case of src an example code blocks).

#+begin_src ruby
"Hello world"

In order for syntax highlighting to work, it is needed to include the following in the Emacs configuration file (or just eval it during boot):

(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)

It is also required that the Emacs install has the special mode for it.


A list can be an unordered, ordered or definition list:

   - first level

     Org mode /markup/

     + second level
       1) third level
          1. fourth level
   - back to first level
     + a definition list :: 
	   some definition

By putting empty brackets [ ], [/], or [%] at the beginning of a list, it can become a task list. Pressing C-c C-C on an item would update its value:


- [0/1] one
  + [ ] two 
- [0%] three
  * [ ] four


- [1/1] one
  + [X] two 
- [100%] three
  * [X] four
An Org mode table:
| apples  | 10 |
     | oranges | 20 |

Tables in Org mode are very powerful. They are not meant to be only for authoring tables, but they have spreadsheet functionality as well. The following table would have its formulas evaluated after pressing TAB on it:


  | fruit   |      quantity | price per fruit | COST          |
     | apples  |            10 |               5 | =$2 * $3      |
     | oranges |            20 |               7 | =$2 * $3      |
     | TOTAL   | =vsum(@2..@3) |                 |               |


  | fruit   |      quantity | price per fruit | COST     |
     | apples  |            10 |               5 | 50       |
     | oranges |            20 |               7 | 140      |
     | TOTAL   |            30 |                 |          |
       #+TBLFM: $2=vsum(@2..@3)::$4=$2 * $3
Basic usage of Org mode for TODO lists

At the beginning of my Org mode usage, my documents used to look like this I think:

* TODO Reply email from Alice

** TODO Reply

Dear Alice...

* TODO Capacity planning

One of the features I first adopted is the use of CLOCKS. You can start a clock by pressing: C-c C-x TAB, then we you are done you clock out with C-c C-x C-o. Then you can use C-c C-x C-d to check the total time spent.

  * DONE Reply email from Alice
    CLOCK: [2014-12-04 Thu 15:45]--[2014-12-04 Thu 15:50] =>  0:05

  ,** DONE Reply
     CLOCK: [2014-12-04 Thu 16:00]--[2014-12-04 Thu 17:00] =>  1:00

  Dear Alice...

  ,* TODO Capacity planning

Another helpful feature is narrowing down to a headline so that other headlines are not shown. This can be done by pressing C-x n s.

Having covered these basic I’ll go on to talk about Org Babel.

Start using Org mode for reproducible documents

The key thing about when using Org mode and for literate programming is when you care about making things reproducible.

Eric Schulte paper has more background on how the project started: http://www.jstatsoft.org/v46/i03

In order to use Org Babel we first need to enable it. This is how my .emacs looks for this:

(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
      '((emacs-lisp . t)
	(clojure . t)
        (R . t)
        (C . t)
        (sh . t)
        (ruby . t)
        (python . t)
        (js . t)
        (dot . t)
	(haskell . t)
	(scala . t)

Note that in order for the above to work, there have to be major modes in Emacs for those specific languages. Comment out or remove the language that is not on your setup.

Making the document active by giving things a name

To adopt Org mode literate programming mode, we need to start using #+name on top of some Org mode elements. By doing this, it is possible to reference later on to that part of the document.

For example we can have a code block and eval it with C-c C-c:

  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby
  1 + 1

  : 2

But by giving it a name, we can reuse this code block:

  #+name: sum
  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :var arg1=1 :var arg2=2
  arg1 + arg2

  : 2

  #+call: sum(10, 100)

  : 110

Or chain it with a table:

  #+name: fruits
  | apples  | 10 |
  | oranges | 20 |

  #+name: show-fruits
  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :var fruitstable=fruits :results output code
  fruits = Hash[fruitstable]

  p fruits

  #+RESULTS: show-fruits
  #+BEGIN_SRC ruby
  {"apples"=>10, "oranges"=>20}

To be continued…